Hate Letter Sent to Mother of Autistic Child.

August 20, 2013

News, No Laughing Matter

While the intent of Laughing Mom is to take a lighthearted break from the challenges of parenting, every now and again I come across a current event piece that just can’t go by unnoticed. I suspect my Canadian readers will already have seen this as it has been getting a lot of press this side of the border.

blog_herThis post is featured on BlogHer, where it has been viewed over 1600 times.



Imagine: You are the mother of 13 year old Maxwell. He enjoys visiting his grandmother and jumping on her trampoline. One day, you receive this (anonymous) letter in the mail.


I purposely didn’t mention Maxwell was autistic in my opening statement – because it DOESN’T MATTER. He is just a boy who enjoys playing outside as much as my boys do.

I just don’t know where to begin. The letter sort of says it all don’t you think? I read Hate. Intolerance. Selfishness. Unkindness. Hurt.

For Karla Begley, I feel Sorrow. I feel a pain in the pit of my stomach that an innocent child is the victim of such a horrible letter. I feel Anger that her family has been targeted in such a hateful manner.

I want to tell Ms. Begley that this is a random troll who is trying to get recognition by being horrid. I want to tell her that most people are not like “Pissed Off Mother”, that her son will be accepted and will enjoy life without encountering this type of hate again. I want to be right.

Oh, and if she wants to move my neighborhood in Edmonton, we would be happy to have them.

Reference: Global News

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About Laughing Mom

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One Comment on “Hate Letter Sent to Mother of Autistic Child.”

  1. ThoughtProvokingMoments Says:

    Wow. Someone needs to point “pissed off mother” to a mirror. I am beyond appalled that one “mother” would send this to another. Wow. Just wow. My heart goes out to you Ms. Begley…and your son. I sure hope “pissed off mother” knows what the word karma means………

